Peter Dugmore
Functional Medicine & Holistic Healthcare Practitioner CFMP, MIFM
Physiotherapist HCPC, MCSP
Pete is our Clinical Director and is a leading functional medicine and holistic healthcare practitioner. He is uniquely skilled in helping you get to the root cause of your disease, health complaints and symptoms.
Because Pete takes a different approach to treatment than most he can help find the root cause of your disease and rebalance your body. By taking this whole body and mind approach to treatment rather than focussing on the disease itself people can overcome a myriad of different health problems to return themselves to their best possible health.
Pete uses the most up to date and in-depth scientific understanding combined with state of the art testing and results analysis to get a complete understanding of your unique needs. He will then tailor a completely individualised program to meet your personal needs. The programs involve both dietary changes and any necessary treatments and or supplements.
"I love to share peoples journey in finding out about their own bodies and health. It’s incredible to see people clear up symptoms they had been noticing for ages and sometimes even better when other symptoms that they hadn’t even realised were symptoms start to disappear too. My goal is always help answer those questions you have about your own health, get to the root cause of what’s going on inside your body and return you to full health." - Peter Dugmore
+ Pete's Philsophy
I truly believe that optimum health is unique for each individual and no two people will benefit from the exact same diet, lifestyle and genetic make up (take identical twins for example having different health stories). In order to obtain the highest level of health for each person we need to find out what works for them and their own unique ecosystem. I say 'ecosystem' as I view the body, mind, microbes (Microbiome / Holobiome) and food as being completely connected and inseperable from each other. By taking every single aspect of this ecosystem in to consideration we can formulate the best individualised treatment plan for each person. I know this sounds complex and thats for me to worry about. The good thing for you is that most of this is conventional wisdom / common sense medicine that has been backed up by science. This way when your unique circumstances are explained to you it will make a lot of sense.
+ The Story behind the Philsophy
Since qualifying as a physiotherapist way back when I have continuously sought to be able to help the people that I work with more and more. It first started very early on in my professional career when I wanted to get to the bottom of why I was seeing so many people with very similar problems. Yet no person would respond in even remotely the same way to treatment as another. Of course this is natural as we are all different, but the cases that frustrated me were the ones that didn’t achieve the level they were capable of. I’m talking the people who are so diligent about doing the exercise programs, would come in and get treatment. Leave pain free only to return back a couple of weeks later with some improvements but not complete relief. I just knew there had to be something else other than purely mechanical (movement based) things at play. I just didn’t know what. Much painstaking but valuable research later I still didn’t quite have the answers to this until I had my own brush without feeling in the best of health.
Although it’s nothing major compared to many, this experience completely shaped and changed the way I thought about and practiced Health and Medicine. I got to the end of working on a Movie and just didn’t feel good. Granted with the schedules that I kept then it wasn’t any surprise but this was different. I had been doing everything to support my health. Normally a couple of weeks after finishing a movie with some good sleep, highly nutritious food, and some gentle exercise I would bounce back quickly. This time I was feeling worse. After receiving the results of copious amounts of Lab testing I found out I was the ‘Epitome of Health’, the perfect lab rat seemingly. There was nothing they, or myself with all our combined expertise and medical knowledge, could find wrong with me. Yet why was my digestion so stagnant, my sleep so poor, my energy through the floor, and my concentration span ‘zero’. Sounds like the ‘Epitome of Health’ huh? Not one to accept that this would be my new normal I started to search for other ways to find out more about my body. I was pointed by a friend in the direction of a chiropractor and kinesiologist by the name of Jerry, one of the most unassuming and helpful gentlemen I could ever wish to meet. I was told that I likely had some toxin exposure or an infection or food intolerance that he could find out through Kinesiology ‘muscle testing’. I will be honest, although I had great respect for my friend I wasn’t convinced I would get anything from this. After all, if some of the best Dr’s in the world can’t find anything wrong with me what am I going to get from this I thought? Well I have to say during my first session (feel it to believe it) I knew straight away there was something to it. The muscle he was testing was solid as a rock, then he tested one thing on me and bang, my arm dropped. Everything else not a blip. After my first session and Jerry had explained that I seemed to have a ‘low grade’ parasitic infection (horrifying to me at the time, later realising its so common). He gave me some natural supplements to treat it and within 3-4 days I was feeling considerably better. It took many months and a few more sessions to completely heal but not only did I feel better, many problems (that i didn’t know were problems) were gone. My left hip pain and click had gone, my aching lower back when standing disappeared, my sleep much improved and I could tolerate foods I hadn’t eaten in years. Mild seasonal allergies cleared up, a rash I would occasionally get on my leg didn’t return. Most of all though my energy and concentration reached levels I hadn’t seen in years. I even saw exercises in the gym become easy that I had previously found it hard to do (even though i shouldn’t because of my strength and fitness levels didn’t make sense). I now look back and realise I had this problem from a child, I just never knew I had a problem.
As a physiotherapist all of a sudden I had answers. My movement patterns that had plagued me for years and despite being so diligent about them had never resolved. Well they had now gone. It was all to do with my underlying health, even though by laboratory standards I was healthy. Initially I had mixed emotions about this, I had answers but the problem was, there was seemingly no path of recognised education to take that supported my scientifically curious mind. I knew I had to start by learning kinesiology. Whilst it answered so many questions for me and many, many flashbacks to people I had treated over the years later. I finally had the answer to what was really going on inside their bodies. My questions about the science were growing and couldn’t really find anyone that could answer them. I didn’t feel confident that if I treated someone highly knowledgeable about the human body and had a medical or scientific underpinning that I could stand up and convince them of the science behind what I was doing. I had this amazing resource to use that I was seeing incredible results from yet I had a reservation about how and when I would use it. This led me on a long process of self directed learning in Quantum Medicine, the completion of my Functional Medicine Diploma and courses and keen personal interest in Methyl-genetics, Nutrigenmoics, and Hologenomics to where we are today. I now take the approach of always asking why something is happening, and I am prepared to use lab results, muscle testing, bioresonance scans, or whatever else is needed to get to the root cause of what is going on for you and your body.
+ Biography
Pete first qualified as a Physiotherapist in 2006 from the University of Nottingham. Soon out of University he started working with with high level athletes and performers in professional sport. Because of this need to help people to accomplish ever improving levels of health and performance Pete has had to place himself at the forefront for professional development making him a pioneer in his field. After moving out of Professional sport and in to the world of Film (2012), the requirement for improved health, and increased performance, in the face of incredibly demanding schedules, and lifestyle factors grew further. It has been this experience of always having to dig deeper and deeper in to the root cause of things that has shaped Pete’s not stop desire for further Academic study. Over this time he has studied Nutrition Response Testing (Kinesiology), Functional Medicine, Methyl-genetics and Nutrigenomics when based in the States. These experiences have shaped and changed the way he practices today and it has placed him in the perfect position to restore people to full health and well-being no matter how complex the problem, or level of health required might be. In addition to helping people achieve ever higher levels of perfomrance Pete's real passion lies in helping people with complicated and debilitating health problems. As a real empath there is nothing that Pete enjoys more than helping people to feel better and lead a greater quality of life.
Credits include: Mission impossible Rogue Nation, Mission Impossible Fallout, Mission Impossible 7, Top Gun Maverick, Jupiter Ascending, Edge of Tomorrow, American Made, Jack Reacher; Never Go Back. Pete has worked all over the world with demanding professionals & athletes at the very top of their game.
Alice Moore
Alice is a Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York, founder of award winning skincare brand Kyushi, holistic therapist specialising in Sound therapy, transformational breathwork and skin health. She takes a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, teaching you that it’s not just about the food on your plate, but also how you nourish yourself through other areas of your life, such as your relationships, career, physical activity, and spirituality.
Her philosophy is that the skin is a reflection of our internal body, healthy skin starts from within by allowing us to address lifestyle, environment, stress, nutrition and toxic overload alongside clean topical high performance skincare we can treat the root cause rather than simply masking symptoms.
Alice specialises in supporting Petes Functional Medicine programmes, through assisting implementation of particular foods, activities and lifestyle changes. Taking all of the hard work out of navigating a shift in lifestyle and as a self confessed lover of cakes and sweet treats herself Alice has an array of recipes, ideas to ensure you never feel like you’re missing out, and setting you up for success.
Alice offers sessions virtually via zoom which is the most popular or in person in the Norfolk Studio.